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Welcome to Strive 2 Speak Life!


My name is Sharma, my husband Doiron and our 3 children are from the Big Island of Hawaii.


The heart of this company is to encourage one another to strive (make great effort) 2 speak life into the lives of others. Being mindful that a response of love can change a situation and through that action it can make a difference not only for one but cause a ripple effect that could impact many.


The vision of strive 2 speak life started in 2017 after discovering a numerous amount of articles, blogs and videos that tore down and spoke badly about people just because they didn't agree with how they chose to carry out their ministry. A few months later as I was working one day I saw the words flash before my eyes. So I immediately I looked into it and that of course was already taken. But after praying for direction the next day I heard the word “strive”, and that's when strive 2 speak life was established.


Now this is not just about those who believe in Jesus, it's about everyone. After all Jesus came for the world not just for some. We have an opportunity each day to be a light to all and make a difference. It's choosing to make a conscious effort to speak life instead of speaking whatever comes into our mind in any situation whether we agree or not. Being mindful that words that are said without thinking can hurt, offend and create division.


I know we are all entitled to our own opinions and we don't always agree with each other. But I believe that as we are mindful of this it can help us to stop and think before we speak instead of being so quick to cast judgment or tear each other down. I'm guilty of doing this as we all are. But we have the power to change that and be an example. If we put more time and effort into speaking words of life and encouragement instead of words of judgment and hurt this world could be a very different place.


The definition for the word strive is: to make great effort to achieve or obtain something. The Webster definition for strive is: to devote serious effort or energy.


We were called to love one another and I believe that love makes a difference. Strive 2 Speak life is something I have become very passionate about and has helped me be mindful of what I choose to speak out. Now, I still mess up and say things at times I shouldn't, but I am human as we all are. It's never an overnight fix it's constant practice. We are not alone we are in this together!


I pray that Strive 2 Speak Life will help be an encouragement to us all.



Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

-Ephesians 4:29


Jesus said "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other."

-John 13:34

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