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We are destined to grow

"Some people don’t like change

they like sticking with what they know

The familiar the routine

The comfort of a place they call home

But change isn’t always bad

It can help you grow

After all that’s what happens to a seed when it’s planted & watered...

It grows

As you were once a seed in your mother’s womb,

The Father already knew you

He knew your heart, the things within you

The gifts He bestowed to you

But gave you freedom to choose what would fuel you

Is it Him or is it the world

It’s so easy to get sucked in what seems real, but isn’t at all

When we take that chance to step out of what we know

and seek the truth for ourselves

it can change everything we think we know

As a seed is meant to grow not to stay small but to grow bigger than it was before, so are you

don’t be afraid to blossom and bloom

Just like a starter plant grows out of its pot and needs to be put into soil

so it’s roots can grow deep and spread out

so through it more fruit and seeds can grow

It’s right there, right there before you

Actually in your hands the power to fuel the growth you’ve been wanting

Dig deep into the living Word of God that can and will show you

That there’s more to this life then the same old routine you’ve been walking

Freedom, righteousness, peace & joy overflowing

You just need to take that first step out of the box even if your the only one that will do it."

The words above came to me at time when I was struggling with not wanting to do something I knew I needed to do. It was so simple and I let my emotions take over in that moment. But the Lord was showing me an opportunity to grow. I was tired of always struggling with the same issues, situations & feelings. I wanted change, I needed change, but it was up to me to take action and do it. So I prayed & cried out to God for help to push through & these words like a poem flooded my mind. (Even in our times of struggle the Father is there to encourage & guide us if we choose to listen)

This poem of change & growth helped me get through that time and has encouraged me greatly. We are destined to grow not to stay the same. Sometimes uncomfortable and unknown, but as we trust the Father and step out we discover things within us that the Father is wanting to bring out. Remember, His plans for us all are ALWAYS for good!

I pray that this will help anyone who is in need of some words of encouragement to take that step to make whatever changes you are desiring in your life and also see it as an opportunities to grow as well!

You can do ALL things because Christ gives you strength!!

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